The Northwest Behavioral Health Independent Provider Association is committed to bringing quality continuing education workshops to the greater Pacific Northwest. Since 2004 we have been the premier sponsor of professional psychological workshops in the Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and San Juan counties, and we are dedicated to filling a growing need in our community for continuing education and professional development in psychology.
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 20, 20248:20 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
View workshop details here (pdf).
In-Person Workshop
Fox Hall Events Center
1661 W. Bakerview Rd.
Bellingham, WA
LGBTQ Clients in Therapy:
Clinical Issues and Treatment Strategies
Joe Kort, Ph.D.
Register online with a credit card below.
Past Workshops
The Northwest Behavioral Health IPA began bringing quality continuing education workshops to Bellingham in October of 2004 with Dr. Stephen Feldman’s: HOW TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE WITH EVERYONE, and has continued to bring an Ethics workshop every other year to satisfy most licensing requirements.
Since that first workshop Dr. Feldman has again presented: HOW TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE WITH EVERYONE: 2ND EDITION: WHAT’S NEW.
Robert Earl Smith, an attorney from Mercer Island, Washington presented: LEGAL AND ETHICAL OBLIGATIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH PRACITIONERS; 2008 UPDATE in April, 2008.
Friday, September 20, 2024
LGBTQ Clients in Therapy:
Clinical Issues and Treatment Strategies
Joe Kort, Ph.D.
Friday, March 29, 2024
The Myth of Normal
Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture
Gabor Maté, M.D., C.M.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Trauma and Releasing Personal & Legacy Burdens
IFS Model
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.
So…Has Anything Changed Lately?
A Law & Ethics Update from 2019 to 2023
Eric Ström, PHD, JD
Mindfulness, Compassion, & Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: What Clinicians Need to Know About Non-Ordinary States
Ronald D. Siegel, Psy.D.
Friday, April 15, 2022
ADHD Diagnosis & Treatment: Comorbidities, Complexities, & Relationships
Ari Tuckman , PsyD, CST
Friday, April 30, 2021
Law & Ethics of Transitioning to Telehealth (and Back) Washington Telemedicine Training
Eric Ström, JD, PhD, LMHC
Friday, October 9, 2020
Safe and Sound: EFT and the New Era of Couple Interventions
Leanne Campbell, PhD
Friday, April 12, 2019
The Social Contagion of Depression: What Therapy Can Do That Antidepressants Can’t
Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Recognizing and Treating the Emerging Epidemic
Paul Foxman, Ph.D.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Don’t Get Burned! Law and Ethics of Marijuana Regulations for Washington State Mental Health Providers
Eric Ström, JD
Friday October 20, 2017
When the Body Says No: Mind/Body Unity and the Stress-Disease Connection
Friday, April 21, 2017
The Science of Trust and Repair: Helping Couples Heal
John Gottman, PHD and Julie Schwartz Gottman, PHD
Friday October 28, 2016.
To Err is Human: Transforming Therapist Errors Into Therapeutic Repair
Janina Fisher, PHD
Friday March 18, 2016.
From Self-Care to Supervision: The Law and Ethics of Relationships for Mental Health Professionals
Eric Ström, J.D.
Friday October 16, 2015.
Discovering the Power and Purpose of the Adolescent Brain
Dan Siegel, MD
Friday May 1, 2015.
Assessing, Treating, and Managing Suicidal Clients
Elizabeth McCauley, PhD
Kelly Schloredt, PhD
Kate Comtois, PhD
Friday October 10, 2014.
Healing Sleep and Dreams: An Integrative Health Approach
Rubin Naiman, Ph.D.
Friday, April 18, 2014.
Navigating the Evolving Standard of Care for Washington Mental Health Professionals
Eric Strӧm, J.D.
Friday, September 20, 2013.
Psychopharmacology for the Nonprescribing Provider: Round Two
Henry S. Levine, M.D
April 19, 2013
THE BRAIN IN LOVE The Neurobiology of Attraction & Attachment
Janice Funk, Ph.D.
October 19, 2012
Building Resilience with CBT: A 4-Step Model
Christine A. Padesky Ph.D.
October 22, 2011
Fast, Effective Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
David D. Burns. M.D.
November 5, 2010
Psychopharmacology for the Non-Prescribing Practitioner:
Henry S. Levine, M.D.
Other workshops sponsored by NWBHIPA include a two day workshop in October, 2005 when we brought Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D. to Bellingham to put on a workshop entitled: ENRAGED: ADDRESSING VIOLENT BEHAVIOR TOWARD SELF AND OTHER IN ADULT PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS.
The following day we hosted Michael A. Freeman, M.D. in a workshop: THE TITANS’ FIRE: INTEGRATED CARE AND EMPOWERMENT FOR PEOPLE IN THE BIPOLAR SPECTRUM.
In November the NWBHIPA was honored to bring Dr. Irvin Yalom to Bellingham for a morning lecture: THE ART OF PSYCOTHERAPY; A MORNING WITH DR. YALOM.
In April 2007 we co-sponsored a multidisciplinary day of speakers on the topic of: DEFINING QUALITY AT THE END OF LIFE; A MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS.
In October 2008, NWBHIPA welcomed Dr. Tony Attwood from Brisbane, Australia who presented his workshop entitled, HIGH FUNCTIONING AUTISM AND ASPERGER’S SYNDROME.
In April 2009, two of the field’s most well known researchers, Dr. Michael Strober and Dr. Judith Brisman, discussed the spectrum of Eating Disorders in a workshop entitled, TREATMENT OF THE EATING DISORDERED PATIENT: ACHIEVING SUCCESS AND MANAGING FAILURE.
In October of 2009, NWBHIPA hosted a workshop on PATHOLOGICAL COMPUTER USE AND INTERNET ADDICTION to help behavioral health professionals recognize and treat Pathological Computer Use (PCU) and Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), two newly-proposed psychiatric diagnoses.